1.                  Hudson, C.M., C.W. Twining, M. Moosmann, R. Greenway, P.G.D. Feulner, and B. Matthews. (2024) Prickly postglacial pioneers: freshwater plankton community composition influences fatty acid desaturase (FADS2) copy number in Southern Greenland threespine sticklebacks. Oikos: (In press).

2.                  Lemieux, T.A., J.D.R. Coles, A.L. Haley, M.L. LaFlamme, S.K. Steel, K.M. Scott, J.F. Provencher, C. Price, J.R. Bennett, I.C. Barrio, H.S. Findlay, S.J. Goodman, B. Matthews, J. Näslund, D.A.Pearce, R.D. Hollister, M.L. Mallory, P.A. Smith, G. Schaepman-Strub, S.J. Cooke. (2024) Persistent and Emerging Threats to Arctic Biodiversity and Ways to Overcome Them: A Horizon Scan. Arctic Science: (In press).

3.                  Mohan. A., B. Matthews, and K. Rasanen (2024). Direct and indirect effects of chemical pollution: Fungicides alter growth, feeding, and pigmentation of the freshwater detritivore Asellus aquaticus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety: (In press).

4.                  Shipley R.J, R. Oester, M. Mathieu-Resuge, T. P. Parmar, C. Kowarik, M. Ilic, M. Kainz, D. Martin-Creuzburg, M.K. Obrist, C.H. Graham, M.M. Gossner, B. Matthews, C.W. Twining. (2024). Consumer biodiversity increases organic nutrient availability across aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Science: (In Press)

5.                  Strickland, K., B. Matthews, Z. Jonsson, B. Kristjansson, J.S. Philips, A. Einarsson, and K. Räsänen (2024). Microevolutionary change in wild stickleback: using integrative time-series data to infer responses to selection. PNAS: 10.1073/pnas.2410324121

6.                  Ghosh, S., B. Matthews, and O. Petchey. (2024). Temperature and biodiversity influence community stability differently in birds and fishes. Nature Ecology and Evolution: 10.1038/s41559-024-02493-7

7.                  Saboret, G., C. Mocetti, K. Takatsu, D. Janssen, B. Matthews, J. Brodersen, and C.J. Schubert. (2024). Glacial meltwater increases the dependence on marine subsidies of fish in freshwater ecosystems. Ecosystems: 10.1007/s10021-024-00920-1

8.                  Ghosh, S. and B. Matthews. (2024). Temporal turnover in species’ ranks can explain variation in Taylor’s slope for ecological timeseries. Ecology: https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.4381

9.                  Germain, R.M., B. Matthews, and L. Harmon. (2024). Niche theory as an underutilized resource for the study of adaptive radiations. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a041449

10.               De-Kayne, R., R. Schley, J.M.I. Barth, L.C. Campillo, C. Chaparro-Pedraza, J. Joshi, W. Salzburger, B. Van Bocxlaer, D.D. Cotoras, C. Fruciano, A.J. Geneva, R. Gillespie, J. Heras, S. Koblmüller, B. Matthews, R.E. Onstein, O. Seehausen, P. Singh, E.I. Svensson, D. Salazar-Valenzuela, M.P.M. Vanhove, G.O.U. Wogan, R. Yamaguchi, A.D. Yoder, and J. Cerca. (2024). Why Do Some Lineages Radiate While Others Do Not? Perspectives for Future Research on Adaptive Radiations. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol: 10.1101/cshperspect.a041448

11.               King, L., G. Wienhues, P. Misra, W. Tylmann, A. Lami, S. Bernasconi, M. Jaggi, C. Courtney-Mustaphi, M. Muschick, N. Ngoepe, S. Mwaiko, M. Kishe, A. Cohen, O. Heiri, O. Seehausen, H. Vogel, M. Grosjean, and B. Matthews. (2024). Anthropogenic eutrophication drives major food web changes in Mwanza Gulf, Lake Victoria. Ecosystems: 10.1007/s10021-024-00908-x

12.               King, L., Mustaphi, C.C, M. Cuenca-Cambronero, G. Wienhaus, N. Ngoepe, M. Muschick, Y. Temoltzin-Loranca, H. Vogel, M. Grosjean, W. Tinner, A. Cohen, M. Kishe, O. Heiri, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. (2024). Temporal dynamics of invertebrate community assembly in Lake Victoria since the late Pleistocene based on chitinous remains. Freshwater Biology: 10.1111/fwb.14537.

13.               Jeevannavar A., A.J. Narwani, B. Matthews, P. Spaak, J. Brantschen, E. Mächler, F. Altermatt, and M.V. Tamminen. (2024) Foundation species stabilize an alternative eutrophic state in nutrient disturbed ponds via selection on microbial community. Frontiers in Microbiology: 10.3389/fmicb.2024.1310374

14.               Wienhues, G., Lami, A., Bernasconi, S., Morlock, M.A., Vogel, H., Cohen, A., Mustaphi, C.C., Hieri, O., King L., Kishe, M., Misra, P., Muschick, M., Ngoepe, N., Matthews, B., Seehausen, O., Temoltzin-Loranca, Y., Tinner, W., Grosjean, M. (2024). Latest Pleistocence and Holocene aquatic primary productivity in phase with hydroclimate changes in Lake Victoria, Easter Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2024.108599

15.               Ngoepe, N., Merz, A., King L., Wienhaus, G., Kishe, M., Mwaiko, S., Misra, P., Grosjean, M., Matthews, B., Mustaphi, C.C., Hieri, O., Cohen, A., Tinner, W., Muschick, M., Seehausen, O. (2024). Testing alternative hypotheses for the decline of cichlid fish in Lake Victoria using fish tooth time series from sediment cores. Biology Letters: 10.1098/rsbl.2023.0604

16.               Khaliq, I., C. Rixen, F. Zellweger, C.H. Graham, M.M. Gossner, I.R. McFadden, L. Antao, J. Brodersen, S. Ghosh, F. Pomati, O. Seehausen, T. Roth, T. Sattler, S.R. Supp, M. Riaz, N. Zimmermann, B. Matthews, and A. Narwani. (2024). Warming underpins community turnover in temperate freshwater and terrestrial communities. Nature Communication: 10.1038/s41467-024-46282-z

17.               Moosmann, M., R. Greenway, R. Oester, and B. Matthews. (2024). The role of fish predators and the foraging traits in shaping zooplankton community structure. Ecology Letters: 10.1111/ele.14382

18.               Temoltzin-Loranca, Y., E. Gobet, B. Vanniere, J.F.N. can Leeuwen, G. Wienhues, C. Courtney-Mustaphi, M. Kishe, M. Muschick, L. King, P. Misra, N. Ngoepe, B. Matthews, H. Vogel, O. Heiri, O. Seehausen, M. Grosjean, and W. Tinner. (2023). Long-term ecological successions of vegetation around Lake Victoria (East Africa) in response to latest Pleistocene and early Holocene climatic changes. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2023.111839

19.               Ngoepe, N., M. Muschick, M.A. Kishe, S. Mwaiko, Y. Temoltzin-Loranca, L. King, C.C. Mustaphi, O. Heiri, G. Wienhues, H. Vogel, M. Cuenca-Cambronero, W. Tinner, M. Grosjean, B. Matthews, and O. Seehausen. (2023). A continuous 17ka fish fossil record from Lake Victoria reveals key insights into the beginnings of adaptive radiation. Nature: 10.1038/s41586-023-06603-6

20.               Wienhues, G., Y. Temoltzin-Loranca, H. Vogel, M.A. Morlock, F.S. Anselmetti, S.M. Bernasconi, M. Jaggi, W. Tylmann, M.A. Kishe, L. King, N. Ngoepe, C.J. Courtney-Mustaphi, M. Muschick, B. Matthews, S. Mwaiko, O. Seehausen, W. Tinner, and M. Grosjean. (2023). From desiccation to wetlands and outflow: rapid Late-Glacial re-filling of Lake Victoria 14-13 ka. Journal of Great Lakes Research: 10.1016/j.jglr.2023.102246

21.               Hudson, C.M., M.C. Cambronero, M. Moosmann, A. Narwani, P. Spaak, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. (2023). Environmentally independent selection for hybrids between divergent freshwater stickleback lineages in semi‐natural ponds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology: 10.1111/jeb.14194.

22.               Anaya‐Rojas, J.M., R.D. Bassar, B. Matthews, J.F. Goldberg, L. King, D. Reznick, and J. Travis. (2023). Does the evolution of ontogenetic niche shifts favor species coexistence? An empirical test in Trinidadian streams. Journal of Animal Ecology: 10.1111/1365-2656.13912.

23.               Saboret, G., D. Stalder, B. Matthews, J. Brodersen, and C.J. Schubert. (2023). Autochthonous production sustains food webs in large perialpine lakes, independent of trophic status: Evidence from amino acid stable isotopes. Freshwater biology: 10.1111/fwb.14071.

24.               Moosmann, M., C.M. Hudson, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. (2023). The phenotypic determinants of diet variation between divergent lineages of threespine stickleback. Evolution: 10.1093/evolut/qpac021.

25.               McFadden, I.R., A. Sendek, M. Brosse, P.M. Bach, M. Baity-Jesi, J. Bolliger, K. Bollmann, E.G. Brockerhoff, G. Donati, F. Gebert, S. Ghosh, H. Ho, I. Khaliq, J. J. Lever, I. Logar, H. Moor, D. Odermatt, L. Pellissier, L.J. De Queiroz, C. Rixen, N. Schuwirth, J.R. Shipley, C.W. Twining, Y. Vitasse, C. Vorburger, M.K.L Wong, N.E. Zimmermann, O. Seehausen, M.M. Gossner, B. Matthews, C.H. Graham, F. Altermatt, and A. Narwani. (2022) Linking human impacts to community processes in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Ecology Letters: 10.1111/ele.14153

26.               Twining, C.W., R. Shipley, and B. Matthews. (2022). Climate change creates nutritional phenological mismatches. Trends in Ecology & Evolution: 10.1016/j.tree.2022.06.009

27.               Jardim de Queiroz, L., C.J. Doenz, F. Altermatt, R. Alther, S. Borko, J. Brodersen, M.M. Gossner, C. Graham, B. Matthews, I.R. McFadden, L. Pellisier, T. Schmitt, O.M. Selz, S. Villalba, L. Ruber, N.E. Zimmermann, and O. Seehausen. (2022). Climate, immigration and speciation shape terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity in the European Alps. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 10.1098/rspb.2022.1020.

28.               Oester, R., R. Greenway, M. Moosmann, R. Sommaruga, B. Tartarotti, J. Brodersen, and B. Matthews. (2022). The influence of predator community composition on photoprotective traits of copepods. Ecology & Evolution: 10.1002/ece3.8862.

29.               Shipley, J., C.W. Twining, M. Mathieu-Resuge, T. Parmar, M. Kainz, D. Martin-Creuzburg, C. Weber, D. Winkler, C. Graham, and B. Matthews. (2022). Climate change shifts the timing of nutritional flux from aquatic insects. Current Biology: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.01.057

30.               Cuenca-Cambronero, M., C. Courtney-Mustaphi, R. Greenway, O. Heiri, C. Hudson, L. King, K. Lemmen, M. Moosmann, M. Muschick, N Ngoepe, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. (2022). An integrative paleolimnological approach for studying evolutionary processes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution: 10.1016/j.tree.2022.01.007

31.               Hudson, C., N. Ladd, M. Leal, C. Schubert, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. (2021). Fit and fatty freshwater fish: contrasting polyunsaturated fatty acid phenotypes between hybridizing stickleback lineages. Oikos: 10.1111/oik.08558

32.               Russo, S., M.D. Besmner, F. Blumentsaat, D. Bouffard, A. Disch, F. Hammes, A. Hess, M. Lürig, B. Matthews, C. Minaudo, E. Morgenroth, V. Tran-Khac, and K. Villez. (2021). The value of human data annotation for machine learning based anomaly detection in environmental systems. Water Research: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117695

33.               Moosmann, M., M. Cuenca-Cambronero, S. De Lisle, R. Greenway, C. Hudson, M. Lürig, and B. Matthews. (2021). On the evolution of trophic position. Ecology Letters: 10.111/ele.13888

34.               Twining C.W., J.R. Bernhardt, A.M. Derry, C.M. Hudson, A. Ishikawa, N. Kabeya, M.J. Kainz, J. Kitano, C. Kowarik, S.N. Ladd, M.C. Leal, K. Scharnweber, J.R. Shipley, and B. Matthews. (2021). The evolutionary-ecology of fatty-acid variation: Implications for consumer adaptation and diversification. Ecology Letters: 10.1111/ele.13771

35.               Lürig, M., A. Narwani, H. Penson, B. Wehrli, P. Spaak, and B. Matthews. (2021). Non-additive effects of foundation species determine the response of aquatic ecosystems to nutrient perturbation. Ecology: 10.1002/ecy.3371

36.               Lürig, M., and B. Matthews. (2021). Dietary developmental plasticity affects juvenile survival in an aquatic detritivore. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 0.1098/rspb.2020.3136.

37.               Lafuenta, E., M.D. Lürig, M. Rövekamp, B. Matthews, C. Buser, C. Vorburger, and K. Räsänen. (2021). Building on 150 years of knowledge: the freshwater isopod Asellus aquaticus as an integrative eco-evolutionary model system. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution: 10.3389/fevo.2021.748212

38.               Chaparro-Pedraza, C.P., B. Matthews, L. De Meester, and V. Dakos. (2021). Adaptive evolution can both prevent ecosystem collapse and delay ecosystem recovery. American Naturalist: 10.1086/716929

39.               Hudson, C.M., K. Lucek, D.A. Marques, T.J. Alexander, M.A. Moosmann, P. Spaak, O. Seehausen, B. Matthews. (2021). Threespine stickleback in Lake Constance: the ecology and genomic substrate of a recent invasion. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution: 10.3389/fevo.2020.611672.

40.               Archambeault, S.L., D.J. Durston, S. Wan, R.W. El-Sabaawi, B. Matthews, K. Peichel. (2020). Phosphorus limitation does not drive loss of body lateral plates in freshwater stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Evolution, 74(9), 2088-2104.

41.               Lürig, M., R.J. Best, V. Dakos, B, Matthews. (2020). Submerged macrophytes affect the temporal variability of aquatic ecosystems. Freshwater Biology. 66(3): 421-435.

42.               Russo, K., M. Luerig, W. Hao, B. Matthews, K. Villez. (2020). Active learning for anomaly detection in environmental data. Environmental Modelling and Software. 134: 104869.

43.               Matthews, B, J. Jokela, A. Narwani, K. Räsänen, F. Pomati, F. Altermatt, P. Spaak, C.T. Robinson, C. Vorburger. (2020). On biological evolution and environmental solutions. Science of the Total Environment: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138194

44.               Narwani, A., M. Reyes, A.L. Pereira, H. Penson, S.R. Dennis, S. Derrer, P. Spaak, B. Matthews. (2019). Interactive effects of foundation species on ecosystem functioning and stability in response to disturbance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286:20191857.

45.               O'Connor, M.I., M. Pennell, F. Altermatt, B. Matthews, C.J. Melian, and A. Gonzalez. (2019). Principles of ecology revisited: integrating information and ecological theories for a more unified science. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7:219.

46.               Harmon, L.J., C.S. Andreazzi, F. Debarre, J. Drury, E.E. Goldberg, A.B. Martins, C.J. Melian, A. Narwani, S.L. Nuismer, M.W. Pennell, S.M. Rudman, O. Seehausen, D. Silvestro, M. Weber, and B. Matthews. (2019). Detecting the macroevolutionary signal of species interactions. Journal of Evolutionary Biology: 10.1111/jeb.13477.

47.               Anaya-Rojas, J.M., R.J. Best, F.S. Brunner, C. Eizaguirre, M.C. Leal, C.J. Melian, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. (2019). An experimental test of how parasites of predators can influence trophic cascades and ecosystem functioning. Ecology: 10.1002/ecy.2744

48.               Ishikawa A., N. Kabeya, K. Ikeya, R. Kakioka, J.N Cech, N. Osada, M.C Leal, J. Inoue, M. Kume, A. Toyoda, A. Tezuka, A.J Nagano, Y.Y Yamasaki, Y. Suzuki, T. Kokita, H. Takahashi, K. Lucek, D. Marques, Y. Takehana, K. Naruse, S. Mori, O. Monroig, N. Ladd, C.J. Schubert, B. Matthews, C.L Peichel, O. Seehausen, G. Yoshizaki, and J. Kitano. (2019). A key metabolic gene for recurrent freshwater colonization and radiation in fishes. Science 364(6443): 886-889.

49.               *Dakos, V., *B. Matthews, A.P. Hendry, J. Levine, N. Loeuille, J. Norberg, P. Nosil, M. Scheffer, and L. De Meester (2019). Ecosystem tipping points in an evolving world. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3: 355–362. (*corresponding authors).

50.               Pennekamp, F., A.C. Iles, J. Garland, G. Brennan, U. Brose, U. Gaedke, U. Jakob. P. Kratina, B. Matthews, S. Munch, M. Novak, G.M. Palamara, B.C. Rall, B. Rosenbaum, A. Tabi, C. Ward, R. Williams, H. Ye, and O.L. Petchey. (2019). The intrinsic predictability of ecological time series and its potential to guide forecasting. Ecological Monographs, 3: e01359.

51.               Lürig, M.D., R.J. Best, M. Svitok, J. Jokela, and B. Matthews. (2019). The role of plasticity in the evolution of cryptic pigmentation in a freshwater isopod. Journal of Animal Ecology: 10.1111/1365-2656.12950.

52.               Schmid, D.W., M.D. McGee, R.J. Best, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. (2019). Rapid Divergence of Predator Functional Traits Affects Prey Composition in Aquatic Communities. American Naturalist: 193(3): 331-345.

53.               Govaert, L., E.A. Fronhofer, S. Lion, C. Eizaguirre, D. Bonte, M. Egas, A.P. Hendry, A.D. Martins, C. Melian, J.A.M. Raeymaekers, I.I. Ratikainen, B.E. Saether, J.A. Schweitzer, and B. Matthews. (2018). Eco‐evolutionary feedbacks - Theoretical models and perspectives. Functional Ecology, 29: 107-113.

54.               Limberger, R., J. Birtel, H. Peter, N. Catalán, D. da Silva Farias, R.J. Best, J. Brodersen, H. Burgmann, and B. Matthews. (2018). Predator-induced changes in dissolved organic carbon dynamics. Oikos, 61: 906-910.

55.               Tamminen, M., A. Betz, A.L. Pereira, M. Thali, B. Matthews, M.J. Suter, and A. Narwani. (2018). Proteome evolution under non-substitutable resource limitation. Nature Communications 9: 4650.

56.               Melián, C.J., B. Matthews, C.S. de Andreazzi, J.P. Rodríguez, L.J. Harmon, and M.A. Fortuna. (2018). Deciphering the interdependence between ecological and evolutionary Networks. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 33: 504–512.

57.               Matthews, B., R.J. Best, P.G.D. Feulner, A. Narwani, and R. Limberger. (2018). Evolution as an ecosystem process: insights from genomics. Genome: 10.1139/gen-2017-0044.

58.               Best, R.J., J.M. Anaya-Rojas, M.C. Leal, D.W. Schmid, O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. (2017). Transgenerational selection driven by divergent ecological impacts of hybridizing lineages. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1: 1757-1765.

59.               Lundsgaard-Hansen, B., B. Matthews, T. Aebischer, and O. Seehausen. (2017). The legacy of ecosystem effects caused by adaptive radiation. Copeia 105(3): 550-557.

60.               *Brunner, F.S., *Anaya‐Rojas, J., †B. Matthews, and †C. Eizaguirre. (2017). Experimental evidence that parasites drive eco-evolutionary feedbacks. PNAS. 10.1073/pnas.1619147114 (†,*: equal contribution).

61.               Weber, M.G., C.E. Wagner, R.J. Best, L.J. Harmon, and B. Matthews. (2017). Evolution in a community context: on integrating ecological interactions and macroevolution. Trends in Ecology & Evolution:. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2017.01.003

62.               Leal, M., O. Seehausen, and B. Matthews. (2017). The ecology and evolution of stoichiometric phenotypes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution: 32: 108-117.

63.               Limberger, R., J. Birtel, D. da Silva Farias, and B. Matthews. (2017). Ecosystem flux and biotic modification as drivers of metaecosystem dynamics. Ecology: 10.1002/ecy.1742

64.               Leal, M., R. Best, D. Durston, R. El Sabaawi, and B. Matthews. (2017). Stoichiometric traits of stickleback: effects of genetic background, rearing environment, and ontogeny. Ecology & Evolution: 10.1002/ece3.2802

65.               Horvath, Z., C.F. Vad, C. Preiler, J. Birtel, B. Matthews, B. Ptacnikova, and R. Ptacnik. (2017). Zooplankton communities and Bythotrephes longimanus in lakes of the montane region of the northern Alps. Inland waters: 10.1080/20442041.2017.1294317

66.               Pomati, F., B. Matthews, O. Seehausen, and B.W. Ibelings. (2017). Eutrophication and climate warming alter spatial (depth) co-occurrence patterns of lake phytoplankton assemblages. Hydrobiologia, 787: 375-385.

67.               Sullam, K., B. Matthews, T. Aebischer, O. Seehausen, and H. Burgmann. (2017). The effect of top-predator presence and phenotype on aquatic microbial communities. Ecology & Evolution: 10.1002/ece3.2784

68.               Birtel, J., and B. Matthews. (2016). Grazers structure the bacterial and algal diversity of aquatic metacommunities. Ecology: 10.1002/ecy.1612.

69.               Anaya-Rojas, J.M., F.S. Brunner, N. Sommer, O. Seehausen, C. Eizaguirre, and B. Matthews. (2016). The association of feeding behavior with the resistance and tolerance to parasites in recentlydiverged sticklebacks. Journal of Evolutionary Biology: 10.1111/jeb.12934

70.               Laland, K., B. Matthews, and M. Feldman. (2016). An introduction to Niche Construction Theory. Evolutionary Ecology 30(2): 191-202.

71.               El-Sabaawi, R., M.L. Warbanski, S. Rudman, R. Hovel, and B. Matthews. (2016). Investment in boneydefensive traits alters organismal stoichiometry and excretion in fish. Oecologia 181(4): 1209-1220.

72.               Matthews, B., T. Aebischer, K. Sullam, B. Lundsgaard-Hansen, and O. Seehausen. (2016). Experimental evidence of an eco-evolutionary feedback during adaptive divergence. Current Biology 26(4): 483-489.

73.               Loudon, C.M., B. Matthews, D.S. Sevilgen, and B.W. Ibelings. (2016). Experimental evidence that evolution by niche construction affects dissipative ecosystem dynamics Evolutionary Ecology 30(2): 221-234.

74.               Czekalski, N., R Sigdel, J Birtel, B. Matthews, and H Burgmann. (2015). Does human activity impact the natural antibiotic resistance background? Abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in 21 Swiss lakes. Environmental International 81: 45-55.

75.               Petchey, O.L., M. Pontarp, T.M. Massie, S. Kefi, A. Ozgul, M. Weilenmann, G.M. Palamara, F. Altermatt, B. Matthews, J.M. Levine, D.Z. Childs, B.J. McGill, M.E. Schaepman, B. Schmid, P. Spaak, A.P. Beckerman, F. Pennekamp, and I.S. Pearse. (2015). The ecological forecast horizon, and examples of its uses and determinants. Ecology Letters 18(7): 597-611.

76.               Narwani, A., B. Matthews, J Fox, and P Venail. (2015). Using phylogenetics in community assembly and ecosystem functioning research. Functional Ecology 29(5): 589-591.

77.               Birtel, J., JC Walser, S Pichon, H Burgmann, and B. Matthews. (2015). Estimating bacterial diversity for ecological studies: Methods, metrics, and assumptions. PlosOne 10(4): e0125356.

78.               Pomati F., C. Tellenbach, B. Matthews, P. Venail, B.W. Ibelings, and R. Ptacnik. (2015). Challenges and prospects for interpreting long-term phytoplankton diversity changes in Lake Zurich (Switzerland). Freshwater Biology 60(5): 1052-1059.

79.               Fischer, B.B., M. Kwiatkowski, M. Ackermann, J. Krismer, S. Roffler, M.J.F. Suter, R.I.L. Eggen, and B. Matthews. (2014). Phenotypic plasticity influences the eco-evolutionary dynamics of a predator-prey system. Ecology 95: 3080-3092.

80.               Melian, C.J., F. Baldo, B. Matthews, C. Vilas, E. Gonzalez-Ortegon, P. Drake, and R.J. Williams. (2014). Individual trait variation and diversity in food webs. Advances in Ecological Research 50: 207-241.

81.               Marchinko, K.B., B. Matthews, M.E. Arnegard, S. Rogers, and D. Schluter. (2014). Maintenance of a genetic polymorphism with disruptive natural selection in stickleback. Current Biology 24(11): 1289-1292.

82.               Lundsgaard-Hansen, B., B. Matthews, and O. Seehausen. (2014). Ecological speciation and phenotypic plasticity affect ecosystems. Ecology 95 : 2723-2735.

83.               Arnegard, M.E., M. D. McGee, B. Matthews, K.B. Marchinko, G.L. Conte, S. Kabir, N. Bedford, S. Bergek, Y.F. Chan, F.C. Jones, C.L. Peichel, and D. Schluter. (2014). Genetics of ecological divergence during speciation. Nature 511: 307-311.

84.               Seehausen O., Butlin R., Keller I., Wagner C.E., Boughman J., Hohenlohe P.A., Peichel C.L., Saetre G.-P. C. Bank, A. Brannstrom, A. Brelsford, R.K. Butlin, C.S. Clarkson, F. Eroukhmanoff, J.L. Feder, M.C. Fischer, A.D. Foote, P. Franchini, C.D. Jiggins, F.C. Jones, A.K. Lindholm, K. Lucek, M.E. Maan, D.A. Marques, S.H. Martin, Blake Matthews, J.I. Meier, M. Moest, M.W. Nachman, E. Nonaka, C.L. Peichel, D.J. Rennison, J. Schwarzer, E. T. Watson, A.M. Westram, and A. Widmer. (2014). Genomics and the origin of species. Nature Reviews Genetics 5:176-192.

85.               Matthews, B., L. De Meester, C.G. Jones, B.W. Ibelings, T.J. Bouma, V. Nuutinen, J. van der Koppel, and J. Odling-Smee. (2014). Under niche construction: an operational bridge between ecology, evolution, and ecosystem science. Ecological Monographs 84(2): 245-263.

86.               Vogt, R.J., B. Matthews, T.P. Cobb, M.D. Graham, and P.R. Leavitt. (2013). Food web consequences of size-based predation and vertical migration of an invertebrate predator (Leptodora kindtii). Limnology and Oceanography: 58(5):1790-1801.

87.               Hausch, S., J.B. Shurin, and B. Matthews. (2013). Phenotypic variability of body shape in a radiation of Diaptomus copepods. PLoS ONE 8(6):e68272.

88.               Hendry, A.P., C.L. Peichel, B. Matthews, J.W. Boughman, and P. Nosil. (2013). Stickleback research: the now and the next. Evolutionary Ecology Research 15: 1-31.

89.               Winter, C., B. Matthews, and C.A. Suttle. (2013). Influence of environmental variation and spatial distance on Bacteria, Archaea, and viruses along a gradient from sub-polar to arctic marine environments. ISME Journal 7(8): 1507-1518

90.               Lundsgaard-Hansen, B., B. Matthews, P. Vonlanthen, A. Traverna, and O. Seehausen. (2103). Adaptive plasticity and genetic divergence in feeding efficiency during parallel adaptive radiation of whitefish (Coregones spp.). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26(3): 483-498.

91.               Declerck, SAJ, C. Winter, J.B. Shurin, C.A. Suttle, and B. Matthews. (2013). Effects of patch connectivity and heterogeneity on metacommunity structure of planktonic bacteria and viruses. ISME Journal 7: 533-542. doi:10.1038/ismej.2012.138.

92.               Matthews, B. and Pomati, F., (2012). Reversal in the relationship between species richness and turnover in a phytoplankton community. Ecology 93:2435-2447.

93.               Pomati, F., B. Matthews, J. Jokela, A. Schildknecht, and B.W. Ibelings. (2012). Effects of re-oligotrophication and climate warming on plankton richness and community stability in a deep mesotrophic lake. Oikos 121(8):1317-1327

94.               Matthews, B., S. Hausch, C. Winter, C. A. Suttle, and J.B. Shurin. (2011). Contrasting ecosystem effects of morphologically similar copepods. PLoS ONE 6(11): e26700.

95.               Matthews, B., A. Narwani, S. Hausch, E. Nonaka, H. Peter, M. Yamamichi, K. Sullam, K. Bird, M. Thomas, T. Hanley, and C. Turner. (2011). Toward an integration of evolutionary biology and ecosystem science. Ecology Letters 14(7): 690-701.

96.               Davies, J.M., W.H. Nowlin, B. Matthews, and A. Mazumder. (2010). Temporal discontinuity of nutrient limitation in plankton communities. Aquatic Sciences 72(4): 393-402.

97.               Shurin, J.B., M. Winder, R. Adrian, W. Keller, B. Matthews, A.M. Paterson, M. Paterson, B. Pinel-Alloul, J.A. Rusak, and N. Yan. (2010). Environmental stability and lake plankton diversity: contrasting effects of chemical and thermal variability. Ecology Letters 13: 453-463.

98.               Matthews, B., L.J. Harmon, L. M0Gonigle, K.B. Marchinko, and H. Schaschl. (2010). Sympatric and allopatric divergence of MHC genes in threespine stickleback. PLoS ONE 5(6):e10948.

99.               Matthews, B., K.B. Marchinko, D.I. Bolnick, and A. Mazumder. (2010). Specialization of trophic position and habitat use by sticklebacks in an adaptive radiation. Ecology 91: 1025-1034.

100.            Harmon†, L.J., B. Matthews†, S. DesRoches, J. Chase, J.B. Shurin, and D. Schluter. (2010). Evolutionary diversification in stickleback affects ecosystem function. Nature 458: 1167-1170. †Both authors contributed equally.

101.            Das, B., A. Narwani, B. Matthews, R. Nordin, and A. Mazumder. (2009). Anthropogenic disturbance history influences the temporal coherence of paleoproductivity in two lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology 42: 167-181.

102.            Matthews, B., and A. Mazumder. (2008). Detecting trophic-level variation in consumer assemblages. Freshwater Biology 53: 1942-1953.

103.            Bolnick, D., Caldera, E. and, B. Matthews. (2008). Evidence for asymmetric migration load in a pair of ecologically divergent stickleback populations. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 94: 273-287.

104.            Ingram, T., B. Matthews, C. Harrod, T. Stephens, J. Grey, R. Markell, and A. Mazumder. (2007). Lipid extraction has little effect on the δ15N of aquatic consumers. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods5: 338-343.

105.            Matthews, B., and A. Mazumder. (2007). Distinguishing trophic variation from seasonal and size-based isotopic (δ15N) variation of zooplankton. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64: 74-83.

106.            Matthews, B., and A. Mazumder. (2006). Habitat specialization and the exploitation of allochthonous carbon by zooplankton. Ecology 87: 2800-2812.

107.            Perga, M., M. Kainz, B. Matthews, and A. Mazumder. (2006). Carbon pathways to zooplankton: insights from paired use of stable isotope analysis and fatty acid biomarkers. Freshwater Biology 51: 2041-2051.

108.            Matthews, B., and A. Mazumder. (2005). Consequences of large temporal variability of zooplankton δ15N for estimates of fish trophic variation. Limnology and Oceanography 50: 1404-1414.

109.            Matthews, B., and A. Mazumder. (2005). Temporal variation in body composition (C:N) helps explain seasonal patterns of zooplankton δ13C. Freshwater Biology 50: 502-515.

110.            Matthews, B., and A. Mazumder. (2004). A critical examination of intrapopulation variation of δ13C and isotopic evidence of individual specialization. Oecologia 140: 361-371.

111.            Matthews, B., and A. Mazumder. (2003). Compositional and inter-lake variability of zooplankton affect baseline stable isotope signatures. Limnology and Oceanography 48: 1977-1987.